Mark Harrah
Value classes are a new mechanism in Scala to avoid allocating runtime objects.
This is accomplished through the definition of new AnyVal
They were proposed in SIP-15.
The following shows a very minimal value class definition:
class Wrapper(val underlying: Int) extends AnyVal
It has a single, public val
parameter that is the underlying runtime representation.
The type at compile time is Wrapper
, but at runtime, the representation is an Int
A value class can define def
s, but no val
s, var
s, or nested traits
s, class
es or object
class Wrapper(val underlying: Int) extends AnyVal {
def foo: Wrapper = new Wrapper(underlying * 19)
A value class can only extend universal traits and cannot be extended itself.
A universal trait is a trait that extends Any
, only has def
s as members, and does no initialization.
Universal traits allow basic inheritance of methods for value classes, but they incur the overhead of allocation.
For example,
trait Printable extends Any {
def print(): Unit = println(this)
class Wrapper(val underlying: Int) extends AnyVal with Printable
val w = new Wrapper(3)
w.print() // actually requires instantiating a Wrapper instance
The remaining sections of this documentation show use cases, details on when allocations do and do not occur, and concrete examples of limitations of value classes.
One use case for value classes is to combine them with implicit classes (SIP-13) for allocation-free extension methods. Using an implicit class provides a more convenient syntax for defining extension methods, while value classes remove the runtime overhead. A good example is the RichInt
class in the standard library. RichInt
extends the Int
type with several methods. Because it is a value class, an instance of RichInt
doesn't need to be created when using RichInt
The following fragment of RichInt
shows how it extends Int
to allow the expression 3.toHexString
class RichInt(val self: Int) extends AnyVal {
def toHexString: String = java.lang.Integer.toHexString(self)
At runtime, this expression 3.toHexString
is optimised to the equivalent of a method call on a static object
), rather than a method call on a newly instantiated object.
Another use case for value classes is to get the type safety of a data type without the runtime allocation overhead. For example, a fragment of a data type that represents a distance might look like:
class Meter(val value: Double) extends AnyVal {
def +(m: Meter): Meter = new Meter(value + m.value)
Code that adds two distances, such as
val x = new Meter(3.4)
val y = new Meter(4.3)
val z = x + y
will not actually allocate any Meter
instances, but will only use primitive doubles at runtime.
Note: You can use case classes and/or extension methods for cleaner syntax in practice.
Because the JVM does not support value classes, Scala sometimes needs to actually instantiate a value class. Full details may be found in SIP-15.
A value class is actually instantiated when:
Whenever a value class is treated as another type, including a universal trait, an instance of the actual value class must be instantiated.
As an example, consider the Meter
value class:
trait Distance extends Any
case class Meter(val value: Double) extends AnyVal with Distance
A method that accepts a value of type Distance
will require an actual Meter
In the following example, the Meter
classes are actually instantiated:
def add(a: Distance, b: Distance): Distance = ...
add(Meter(3.4), Meter(4.3))
If the signature of add
were instead:
def add(a: Meter, b: Meter): Meter = ...
then allocations would not be necessary. Another instance of this rule is when a value class is used as a type argument. For example, the actual Meter instance must be created for even a call to identity:
def identity[T](t: T): T = t
Another situation where an allocation is necessary is when assigning to an array, even if it is an array of that value class. For example,
val m = Meter(5.0)
val array = Array[Meter](m)
The array here contains actual Meter
instances and not just the underlying double primitives.
Lastly, type tests such as those done in pattern matching or asInstanceOf
require actual value class instances:
case class P(val i: Int) extends AnyVal
val p = new P(3)
p match { // new P instantiated here
case P(3) => println("Matched 3")
case P(x) => println("Not 3")
Value classes currently have several limitations, in part because the JVM does not natively support the concept of value classes. Full details on the implementation of value classes and their limitations may be found in SIP-15.
A value class ...
This section provides many concrete consequences of these limitations not already described in the necessary allocations section.
Multiple constructor parameters are not allowed:
class Complex(val real: Double, val imag: Double) extends AnyVal
and the Scala compiler will generate the following error message:
Complex.scala:1: error: value class needs to have exactly one public val parameter
class Complex(val real: Double, val imag: Double) extends AnyVal
Because the constructor parameter must be a val
, it cannot be a by-name parameter:
NoByName.scala:1: error: `val' parameters may not be call-by-name
class NoByName(val x: => Int) extends AnyVal
Scala doesn't allow lazy val constructor parameters, so that isn't allowed either. Multiple constructors are not allowed:
class Secondary(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {
def this(y: Double) = this(y.toInt)
Secondary.scala:2: error: value class may not have secondary constructors
def this(y: Double) = this(y.toInt)
A value class cannot have lazy vals or vals as members and cannot have nested classes, traits, or objects:
class NoLazyMember(val evaluate: () => Double) extends AnyVal {
val member: Int = 3
lazy val x: Double = evaluate()
object NestedObject
class NestedClass
Invalid.scala:2: error: this statement is not allowed in value class: private[this] val member: Int = 3
val member: Int = 3
Invalid.scala:3: error: this statement is not allowed in value class: lazy private[this] var x: Double = NoLazyMember.this.evaluate.apply()
lazy val x: Double = evaluate()
Invalid.scala:4: error: value class may not have nested module definitions
object NestedObject
Invalid.scala:5: error: value class may not have nested class definitions
class NestedClass
Note that local classes, traits, and objects are not allowed either, as in the following:
class NoLocalTemplates(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {
def aMethod = {
class Local
A current implementation restriction is that value classes cannot be nested:
class Outer(val inner: Inner) extends AnyVal
class Inner(val value: Int) extends AnyVal
Nested.scala:1: error: value class may not wrap another user-defined value class
class Outer(val inner: Inner) extends AnyVal
Additionally, structural types cannot use value classes in method parameter or return types:
class Value(val x: Int) extends AnyVal
object Usage {
def anyValue(v: { def value: Value }): Value =
Struct.scala:3: error: Result type in structural refinement may not refer to a user-defined value class
def anyValue(v: { def value: Value }): Value =
A value class may not extend a non-universal trait and a value class may not itself be extended:
trait NotUniversal
class Value(val x: Int) extends AnyVal with notUniversal
class Extend(x: Int) extends Value(x)
Extend.scala:2: error: illegal inheritance; superclass AnyVal
is not a subclass of the superclass Object
of the mixin trait NotUniversal
class Value(val x: Int) extends AnyVal with NotUniversal
Extend.scala:3: error: illegal inheritance from final class Value
class Extend(x: Int) extends Value(x)
The second error messages shows that although the final
modifier is not explicitly specified for a value class, it is assumed.
Another limitation that is a result of supporting only one parameter to a class is that a value class must be top-level or a member of a statically accessible object. This is because a nested value class would require a second parameter that references the enclosing class. So, this is not allowed:
class Outer {
class Inner(val x: Int) extends AnyVal
Outer.scala:2: error: value class may not be a member of another class
class Inner(val x: Int) extends AnyVal
but this is allowed because the enclosing object is top-level:
object Outer {
class Inner(val x: Int) extends AnyVal