An iterator is not a collection, but rather a way to access the elements of a collection one by one. The two basic operations on an iterator it
are next
and hasNext
. A call to
will return the next element of the iterator and advance the state of the iterator. Calling next
again on the same iterator will then yield the element one beyond the one returned previously. If there are no more elements to return, a call to next
will throw a NoSuchElementException
. You can find out whether there are more elements to return using Iterator's hasNext
The most straightforward way to "step through" all the elements returned by an iterator it
uses a while-loop:
while (it.hasNext)
Iterators in Scala also provide analogues of most of the methods that you find in the Traversable
, Iterable
and Seq
classes. For instance, they provide a foreach
method which executes a given procedure on each element returned by an iterator. Using foreach
, the loop above could be abbreviated to:
it foreach println
As always, for-expressions can be used as an alternate syntax for expressions involving foreach
, map
, withFilter
, and flatMap
, so yet another way to print all elements returned by an iterator would be:
for (elem <- it) println(elem)
There's an important difference between the foreach method on iterators and the same method on traversable collections: When called to an iterator, foreach
will leave the iterator at its end when it is done. So calling next
again on the same iterator will fail with a NoSuchElementException
. By contrast, when called on on a collection, foreach
leaves the number of elements in the collection unchanged (unless the passed function adds to removes elements, but this is discouraged, because it may lead to surprising results).
The other operations that Iterator has in common with Traversable
have the same property. For instance, iterators provide a map
method, which returns a new iterator:
scala> val it = Iterator("a", "number", "of", "words")
it: Iterator[java.lang.String] = non-empty iterator
res1: Iterator[Int] = non-empty iterator
scala> res1 foreach println
java.util.NoSuchElementException: next on empty iterator
As you can see, after the call to
, the it
iterator has advanced to its end.
Another example is the dropWhile
method, which can be used to find the first elements of an iterator that has a certain property. For instance, to find the first word in the iterator above that has at least two characters you could write:
scala> val it = Iterator("a", "number", "of", "words")
it: Iterator[java.lang.String] = non-empty iterator
scala> it dropWhile (_.length < 2)
res4: Iterator[java.lang.String] = non-empty iterator
res5: java.lang.String = number
Note again that it
has changed by the call to dropWhile
: it now points to the second word "number" in the list. In fact, it
and the result res4
returned by dropWhile
will return exactly the same sequence of elements.
There is only one standard operation which allows to re-use the same iterator: The call
val (it1, it2) = it.duplicate
gives you two iterators which each return exactly the same elements as the iterator it
. The two iterators work independently; advancing one does not affect the other. By contrast the original iterator it
is advanced to its end by duplicate
and is thus rendered unusable.
In summary, iterators behave like collections if one never accesses an iterator again after invoking a method on it. The Scala collection libraries make this explicit with an abstraction TraversableOnce, which is a common superclass of Traversable and Iterator. As the name implies, TraversableOnce
objects can be traversed using foreach
but the state of that object after the traversal is not specified. If the TraversableOnce
object is in fact an Iterator
, it will be at its end after the traversal, but if it is a Traversable
, it will still exist as before. A common use case of TraversableOnce
is as an argument type for methods that can take either an iterator or a traversable as argument. An example is the appending method ++
in class Traversable
. It takes a TraversableOnce
parameter, so you can append elements coming from either an iterator or a traversable collection.
All operations on iterators are summarized below.
Abstract Methods: | | |
Returns next element on iterator and advances past it. |
it.hasNext |
Returns true if it can return another element. |
Variations: | |
it.buffered |
A buffered iterator returning all elements of it . |
it grouped size |
An iterator that yields the elements elements returned by it in fixed-sized sequence "chunks". |
xs sliding size |
An iterator that yields the elements elements returned by it in sequences representing a sliding fixed-sized window. |
Duplication: | |
it.duplicate |
A pair of iterators that each independently return all elements of it . |
Additions: | |
it ++ jt |
An iterator returning all elements returned by iterator it , followed by all elements returned by iterator jt . |
it padTo (len, x) |
The iterator that first returns all elements of it and then follows that by copies of x until length len elements are returned overall. |
Maps: | |
it map f |
The iterator obtained from applying the function f to every element returned from it . |
it flatMap f |
The iterator obtained from applying the iterator-valued function f to every element in it and appending the results. |
it collect f |
The iterator obtained from applying the partial function f to every element in it for which it is defined and collecting the results. |
Conversions: | |
it.toArray |
Collects the elements returned by it in an array. |
it.toList |
Collects the elements returned by it in a list. |
it.toIterable |
Collects the elements returned by it in an iterable. |
it.toSeq |
Collects the elements returned by it in a sequence. |
it.toIndexedSeq |
Collects the elements returned by it in an indexed sequence. |
it.toStream |
Collects the elements returned by it in a stream. |
it.toSet |
Collects the elements returned by it in a set. |
it.toMap |
Collects the key/value pairs returned by it in a map. |
Coying: | |
it copyToBuffer buf |
Copies all elements returned by it to buffer buf . |
it copyToArray(arr, s, n) |
Copies at most n elements returned by it to array arr starting at index s . The last two arguments are optional. |
Size Info: | |
it.isEmpty |
Test whether the iterator is empty (opposite of hasNext ). |
it.nonEmpty |
Test whether the collection contains elements (alias of hasNext ). |
it.size |
The number of elements returned by it . Note: it will be at its end after this operation! |
it.length |
Same as it.size . |
it.hasDefiniteSize |
Returns true if it is known to return finitely many elements (by default the same as isEmpty ). |
Element Retrieval Index Search: | |
it find p |
An option containing the first element returned by it that satisfies p , or None is no element qualifies. Note: The iterator advances to after the element, or, if none is found, to the end. |
it indexOf x |
The index of the first element returned by it that equals x . Note: The iterator advances past the position of this element. |
it indexWhere p |
The index of the first element returned by it that satisfies p . Note: The iterator advances past the position of this element. |
Subiterators: | |
it take n |
An iterator returning of the first n elements of it . Note: it will advance to the position after the n 'th element, or to its end, if it contains less than n elements. |
it drop n |
The iterator that starts with the (n+1) 'th element of it . Note: it will advance to the same position. |
it slice (m,n) |
The iterator that returns a slice of the elements returned from it, starting with the m 'th element and ending before the n 'th element. |
it takeWhile p |
An iterator returning elements from it as long as condition p is true. |
it dropWhile p |
An iterator skipping elements from it as long as condition p is true , and returning the remainder. |
it filter p |
An iterator returning all elements from it that satisfy the condition p . |
it withFilter p |
Same as it filter p . Needed so that iterators can be used in for-expressions. |
it filterNot p |
An iterator returning all elements from it that do not satisfy the condition p . |
Subdivisions: | |
it partition p |
Splits it into a pair of two iterators; one returning all elements from it that satisfy the predicate p , the other returning all elements from it that do not. |
Element Conditions: | |
it forall p |
A boolean indicating whether the predicate p holds for all elements returned by it . |
it exists p |
A boolean indicating whether the predicate p holds for some element in it . |
it count p |
The number of elements in it that satisfy the predicate p . |
Folds: | |
(z /: it)(op) |
Apply binary operation op between successive elements returned by it , going left to right and starting with z . |
(it :\ z)(op) |
Apply binary operation op between successive elements returned by it , going right to left and starting with z . |
it.foldLeft(z)(op) |
Same as (z /: it)(op) . |
it.foldRight(z)(op) |
Same as (it :\ z)(op) . |
it reduceLeft op |
Apply binary operation op between successive elements returned by non-empty iterator it , going left to right. |
it reduceRight op |
Apply binary operation op between successive elements returned by non-empty iterator it , going right to left. |
Specific Folds: | |
it.sum |
The sum of the numeric element values returned by iterator it . |
it.product |
The product of the numeric element values returned by iterator it . |
it.min |
The minimum of the ordered element values returned by iterator it . |
it.max |
The maximum of the ordered element values returned by iterator it . |
Zippers: | |
it zip jt |
An iterator of pairs of corresponding elements returned from iterators it and jt . |
it zipAll (jt, x, y) |
An iterator of pairs of corresponding elements returned from iterators it and jt , where the shorter iterator is extended to match the longer one by appending elements x or y . |
it.zipWithIndex |
An iterator of pairs of elements returned from it with their indices. |
Update: | |
it patch (i, jt, r) |
The iterator resulting from it by replacing r elements starting with i by the patch iterator jt . |
Comparison: | |
it sameElements jt |
A test whether iterators it and jt return the same elements in the same order. Note: At least one of it and jt will be at its end after this operation. |
Strings: | |
it addString (b, start, sep, end) |
Adds a string to StringBuilder b which shows all elements returned by it between separators sep enclosed in strings start and end . start , sep , end are all optional. |
it mkString (start, sep, end) |
Converts the collection to a string which shows all elements returned by it between separators sep enclosed in strings start and end . start , sep , end are all optional. |
Sometimes you want an iterator that can "look ahead", so that you can inspect the next element to be returned without advancing past that element. Consider for instance, the task to skip leading empty strings from an iterator that returns a sequence of strings. You might be tempted to write the following
def skipEmptyWordsNOT(it: Iterator[String]) =
while ( {}
But looking at this code more closely, it's clear that this is wrong: The code will indeed skip leading empty strings, but it will also advance it
past the first non-empty string!
The solution to this problem is to use a buffered iterator. Class BufferedIterator is a subclass of Iterator, which provides one extra method, head
. Calling head
on a buffered iterator will return its first element but will not advance the iterator. Using a buffered iterator, skipping empty words can be written as follows.
def skipEmptyWords(it: BufferedIterator[String]) =
while (it.head.isEmpty) { }
Every iterator can be converted to a buffered iterator by calling its buffered
method. Here's an example:
scala> val it = Iterator(1, 2, 3, 4)
it: Iterator[Int] = non-empty iterator
scala> val bit = it.buffered
bit: java.lang.Object with scala.collection.
BufferedIterator[Int] = non-empty iterator
scala> bit.head
res10: Int = 1
res11: Int = 1
res11: Int = 2
Note that calling head
on the buffered iterator bit
does not advance it. Therefore, the subsequent call
returns the same value as bit.head